Ban of Somali Livestock to Gulf
Arab States -Statement by Puntland Business Community
September 24, 2000 - GALKAYO
The Business Community in Puntland
State of Somalia that greatly benefits from the livestock sector considers the temporary
ban on the Puntland and Somali livestock by the Gulf Co-operation Council as a very grave
decision that could have catastrophic consequences on the economy of the country. We
understand, fully, the health considerations that prompted the ban. However, we hope that
meticulous and impartial investigations will be undertaken by the concerned international
organisations in the region and beyond to uncover the reasons that are at the root of the
ban. The economic and social stakes are very high in this decision.
We appeal to the
International Community, in particular to IGAD, OAU, EC, FAO and UN agencies to assist the
Somali livestock owners by taking all necessary steps that can lead to a positive
resolution of the ban. We further appeal to those countries that have imposed the ban on
Somali livestock to release any information that may lead to a speedy resolution of the
issue, which is affecting millions of people in the Horn of Africa. The Somali Business
Community and the Puntland livestock owners are welcoming any initiative by the
International Community intended to safeguard the health of our livestock and the economic
base of this community.
September 24, 2000 - GALKAYO