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African Leaders and the New Partnership for Africa's Development
(NEPAD)) :Posted on 29 June 2002
Opinions expressed in this column
are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of SW.
Nairobi, Kenya
[June 28, 2002]
African Leaders and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)
What Good is a "Peer Review" scheme between
African Despots and Dictators?
All recent UN and developed world campaigns to promote African development
have slowly contributed to millions of Africans joining in the ranks of the
impoverished. Not only have poverty and deceases increased in Africa, but
the meager African infrastructure left behind by the colonial powers have
deteriorated. Because of this lack of reliable infrastructure, the movement
of goods and services has taken a turn for the worse. Goods and services are
getting more expensive and hard to come by. In management of economic and
political affairs, because of corruption, nepotism and despotism, the
economic decline and the African brain drain continues. With this economic
decline apparent and nakedly visible - to all willing and capable to see -
in most of the African countries, then Just like WorldCom, these African
despots continue to cook the books and claim an average economic growth of
"...only about 3%," when in reality it is in the negative
territory. Yet after all these failures; after all the billions in Swiss and
French banks, Africans are again being spoon-fed with the same failed
prescription of more aid for the already well-off African despots!
We at SHASNA are familiar with the Horn affairs and East African Leaders in
general. We are also familiar with the Nairobi based UN Somalia economic
development and political officers. They are all self-serving and have
rather been not very impressive. Now, with more goodies and stuffed turkeys
soon to be on the table, some East African leaders have met in Nairobi to
discuss their plans for the new economic development dollars. They have and
will talk about a "new shift in partnership" and about promoting
good governance and democracy; about improving infrastructure; and about
developing fair and transparent laws. Yet these leaders including the now
famous Mr. Ghelle's Djibouti - the most corrupt and the least developed
nation at the Horn - have been in power for generations, and have done
nothing to promote good governance and build or repair the existing
infrastructure. Yet, they have the courage to talk about more aid, and about
putting new "Peer Review" mechanism in place to measure the
progress of each other. This is like telling Mr. Daniel Arap Moi of Kenya to
measure the successes of projects implemented by his counterpart in
Djibouti, Mr. Ismail Omer Ghelle! What purpose will a "Peer
Review" scheme between despots serve?
As U.S. President George W. Bush indicated, the developed world should
reward those regions and nations that implement democratic and market
reforms. In other words, they should only help those that help themselves. A
case in point is Somalia's Recovery Zones. These zones have succeeded
against the odds. All businesses are privately owned; their meager
infrastructure is being improved and new ones developed. The political
process is transparent and is being developed from the grassroots level.
Political participation is transparent and new and fairer laws are being
implemented; peace is prevalent throughout, and major Recovery Zone cities
are safer than Nairobi, Harare or Lusaka. These zones are truly
helping themselves and that is an example NEPAD can use and the developed
world should help. But what do the Recovery Zones get in return for their
achievements? They get nothing, nada, zip, zilch! Actually they even get
worse than that. Indeed their Arab neighbors have banned their sole exports
of healthy livestock. The Recovery Zones are not even allowed to trade
freely with their neighbors. We hope NEPAD changes that.
As to the UN and their Somalia economic development plan, they have already
failed Somalia by taking sides. They have sided with the corrupt Djibouti
despot; they have sided with yesterday's Somalia butchers and today's
warlords. The UN Somalia offices have failed us and can't play any important
role whatsoever, let alone resolve our differences "and keep aid
flowing." An aid which in reality is no more than the overhead costs of
their UN operations in Nairobi and are therefore solely self-sustaining.
NEPAD is a novel idea, and its future resources should not be wasted on rich
African despots. NEPAD resources should be solely used to help those who
help themselves. Of course, we can't think of a better and needy example
than Somalia's Recovery Zones who already meet the NEPAD conditions. Please
help those who help themselves. And please help Somalia trade freely and
achieve Freedom and Federalism.
SHASNA* Editorial Board
cc: SHASNA Members
*SHASNA is a worldwide advocacy group. It stands for the unity and peaceful
coexistence of Somali people. It supports the creation of a federal system
of governance to safeguard the emerging free markets of the Recovery Zones
and all other safe zones. It supports the promotion of good governance and
democracy. SHASNA encourages corporate and individual investments in the
Recovery Zones in areas of health, education, information technology and
media. It has presences in both Puntland (Boosaaso, Garoowe, Buurtinle,
Bacaadweyn and Galkayo) and Somaliland (Hargeysa, Berbera and Burco).
Relevant Readings & Prior Reports:
here: SHASNA MediaWatch on the New Djibouti and the Arab League
Destabilization Plan
here: Latest PUNTLAND PRESS RELEASE about the New Djibouti Spearheaded Arab
Destabilization Plan
here: Somalia 101 - Understanding the basic facts...
here: Democracy, The West, UN, Djibouti and Somalia
here: SHASNA Reports on the Situation in Somalia...
here: The INVADERS & the Beginnings of Land Struggle in Somalia
here: Arta Budget Scam; Arab Donations; and a Note to Donors
Special Reports on Djibouti:
MediaWatch: Special Report on Djibouti
MediaWatch: An Interview with Djibouti President